
Tasked with replicating Twitter…

Two teammates and I developed “Bootleg Twitter,” a program in Python and HTML using Django web framework. We reproduced several actual Twitter features, such as highly secure signup and log in & out, hashtag filtering, user profiles, uploading media content, and of course, the ability to post, delete, like, and reply to tweets. We used SQL to manage persistent data of users and their tweets, carrying over from one program execution to the next. We also obeyed the rules of HTTP in transferring data requests between client and server, generating URL’s to properly route the necessary JSON objects. We used a GitHub repository (linked below) to ensure efficient technical communication within our team, as well as a Python virtual environment to confine the program’s many dependencies and downloads. In the end, we were thrilled to win the “Best of 192 Award” for most creative and well-designed program in a CIS-192 Python class of ~50 Penn students.

Python and HTML Code

Below is linked the GitHub repository containing all of our code, as well as some screenshotted samples. If you would like to run the program for yourself, simply clone the repo, open the program in a Python editor (Visual Studio Code suggested), and execute “python runserver” from the Terminal command line, before opening the subsequent HTTP URL in your browser. You may need to configure a virtual environment, install Django, and check which Python version you’re running.




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